Thursday 20 December 2012

Flying Media bei Dreharbeiten in Südafrika

Flying Media bei Dreharbeiten in Südafrika

Flying Media und tolle Partner in Südafrika / Foto: Elisabeth Konstantinidis
Während einer 7-tägigen Reise durch verschiedenePrivatreservate in Südafrika, produzierte Sven Klawunder und sein Team von Flying Media einige Beiträge über das Thema Luxus-Safaris inSüdafrika. Neben Filmportraits über unterschiedlichste Lodges wurden auch die Durchführung und Qualität der einzelnen Safaris dokumentiert.
Eine TV-Doku sowie zahlreiche Videobeiträge entsteht nun innerhalb der Postproduktion über das interessante Thema in Deutschland.
Für Flying Media wieder ein Highlight in diesem Jahr, denn die Impressionen, Emotionen und unglaubliche Gastfreundschaft in Südafrika waren kaum zu übertreffen.
Bereits bei den Vorbereitungen sowie auch bei der Durchführung wurde Flying Media durch zahlreiche Partner unterstützt:
Die Vorplanung der Lodges sowie die Vorabinformationen und Beratung zur Auswahl der Lodges hat Roland Hoede von übernommen und damit den ersten Step zu unserem Projekt ins Rollen gebracht.
Anne Kaiser von hat mit ihrem unglaublichen Spirit und Charme die gesamte Tour begleitet und nicht nur durch Kompetenz und Organisationstalent geglänzt sondern auch zur absoluten positiven Stimmung im ganzen Team beigetragen.
Wir werden auch hier in Kürze über die Einzelheiten und die Verbreitung unserer Beiträge informieren. Die Lodges wie Sabi Sabi earth Lodge, Garonga Lodge und Motswari Lodge haben jedenfalls auch bei uns nach den Dreharbeiten bleibende Eindrücke hinterlassen – jede Lodge auf ihre Art…
Ein kleiner Blick in die Zukunft: Flying Media hat bereits mehrere Hebel bewegt um auch in Zukunft Projekte in Südafrika und über Südafrika ins deutschsprachige Gebiet zu bringen. SÜDAFRIKA-TV.DE ist bereits in der konkreten Planungsphase und bereits beim Online-TV-Verlag als Projekt 2013 fest eingeplant. Im Februar 2013 fliegt Sven Klawunder (Inhaber Flying Media) bereits zu konkreten Planungsgesprächen nach Kapstadt.
Wir freuen uns!

Friday 7 December 2012

More Pictures done by Lemon Sherbet Photography

Here are some more pictures of our Photo shoot with Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi from Lemon Sherbet Photography

Lemon Sherbet
082 313 1247

Friday 30 November 2012

Be happy. Be joyful. Be cool. Be funny. Be calm. Be in good spirits...Be with M&M

M&M Travel Solutions poses for the Camera

Props sponsored by Mardi Gras ( and photography by Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi

M&M Travel Solutions Team: photographer Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi; props by Mardi Gras Cape Town
M&M Travel Solutions 

We at M&M Travel Solutions would like you to follow our fun this summer! We are jam packed with fun projects and many funny pictures to come. Follow us on our social media:

M&M Travel Solutions Team: photographer Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi; props by Mardi Gras Cape TownM&M Travel Solutions Team: photographer Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi; props by Mardi Gras Cape Town

More about the Photographer:

Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi

M&M Travel Solutions Team: photographer Vanessa Gabriel-Ronchi; props by Mardi Gras Cape Town
M&M Travel Solutions Team

More about Mardi Gras:

Mardi Gras is a Cape Town based Costume & Dress Hire business.We have the perfect dress up outfit for every occasion.

Tel: 021 484 9716 / Fax: 088 021 424 9726


Friday 2 November 2012

Pressemitteilung: South African Tourism

Advent, Advent die Sonne brennt

Wer dem vorweihnachtlichen Schmuddelwetter entfliehen möchte, verbindet
die Suche nach ausgefallenen Geschenken für Familie und Freunde mit einem
Urlaub im sonnigen Südafrika.

Frankfurt, 31. Oktober 2012 – Wenn Schnee und Eis bei uns Einzug halten, startet in
Südafrika die Sommersaison. Statt Wintermantel und Glühwein stehen zur Adventszeit
am Kap Braai, Strand und Sundowner auf dem Programm. Herrlich warme Temperaturen
um die 25°C in Kapstadt versüßen sogar die sonst so stressige Suche nach Geschenken
für die Liebsten. Dank des hervorragenden Wechselkurses des südafrikanischen Rand
von 11,25* zu einem Euro ist Südafrika für deutsche Reisende diese Weihnachten
doppelt attraktiv. (*Stand: Oktober 2012)

Für ausgefallene Geschenke auf dem Gabentisch ist Südafrika ein Einkaufsparadies. In
den vielen kleinen Geschäften in Kapstadt und Johannesburg wird man gewiss fündig:
afrikanische Handwerkskunst, handgefertigte Ledersandalen, aufwendig hergestellte
Ndebele-Puppen, handgeflochtene Zulu-Körbe oder Mode der aufstrebenden Designer
des Landes. Rund um Kapstadts Long Street befinden sich zahlreiche, individuelle
Boutiquen wie Imagenius, eine Schatztruhe für ausgefallene Accessoires, hochwertigen
Modeschmuck, Taschen, Keramik und Kunst. Gleich gegenüber befindet sich mememe,
eine Modeboutique, die die Entwürfe junger Designer aus Kapstadt und Johannesburg

Im ganzen Land sorgen Weihnachtsmärkte für festliche Stimmung und bieten zusätzliche
Inspiration auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Geschenk. Zu den beliebtesten
Adventsmärkten Südafrikas zählen der Magical Moonlight Market in Johannesburg und
der Christmas Gift Fair in Constantia. Ein tolles Mitbringsel sind auch die kulinarischen
Spezialitäten, die man zu genüge an den vielen Marktständen angeboten bekommt.
Hausgemachte Marmeladen, typisch südafrikanisches Biltong und süß-scharfe Chutneys,
die hervorragend zum Weihnachtsbraten passen.

Neben sonnengereiften, kräftigen Rotweinen für das Festessen, finden Urlauber weitere
kulinarische Anregungen in den südafrikanischen Winelands. In Stellenbosch zum
Beispiel können Gourmets bei einer Wein- und Schokoladen-Verköstigung handgemachte
Pralinen probieren, die hervorragend zu einem südafrikanischen Shiraz oder Cabernet
Sauvignon passen. (

Ein Flug nach Johannesburg bzw. Kapstadt mit South African Airways ist schon ab 890
Euro inklusive aller Steuern und Gebühren zu buchen (Preis ab Frankfurt/München,
gültig für Abreise vom 29. Oktober – 18. Dezember 2012). In zehn Stunden – geflogen
wird über Nacht – erreichen Reisende die Südspitze des afrikanischen Kontinents wie im
Schlaf und brauchen keinen Jetlag zu befürchten, denn eine Zeitverschiebung gibt es in
Südafrika nicht. (

Erstellt von KPRN network GmbH im Auftrag von South African Tourism Deutschland

SOUTH AFRICAN TOURISM ist als Organisation verantwortlich für die internationale Vermarktung
Südafrikas als präferierte Urlaubsdestination. Geleitet wird South African Tourism von Chief
Executive Officer Herrn Thulani Nzima und Chief Operating Officer, Herrn Timothy Scholtz.

Monday 22 October 2012

M&M Travel Solutions loves Mzoli's

The M&M Solutions girls head off to Mzoli's last Sunday

M&M Travel Solutions is all about advising our clients on what is best. We go and experience the places we recommend and keep track of the reputation. We love to use our personal experiences as a reference and that is exactly what we did this past weekend.

The M&M Travel Solutions' girls, Anne, Kylie, Katharina and Bianca went off to one of Cape Town's favourite hot spots. Situated in the Gugulethu Township on the outskirts of Cape Town, is Mzol's. Mzoli's is primarily a butchery, however people typically go and choose their meat then braai it on one of the many fires in the open air. Then it is off to the restaurant next door where people of all races and walks of life come together for a real party. Food, alcohol and music is what brings everyone together. It is the place to really see what Nelson Mandela's vision was for the new South Africa.

M&M Travel Solutions at Mzoli's
M&M Travel Solutions at Mzoli's

Although situated in the middle of the township, the local community works together to make it safe for the tourists. This does not mean that nothing will happen, just that it is safer than usual. Pick pocketing can easily still occur, however we all know that it is a typical 80/20 principal where 80 percent of the locals and visitors are good and want to deter crime, yet 20 percent have the urge to take advantage of situations. So we do recommend that wallets are not kept in pockets but rather that a general bag is carried which is under your arm and sipped closed. Keep your eyes on your things and you will definitely have a great time.

Mzoli's is a lot of fun. We went in a group, ate out of a shared bowl and danced to the local music with locals and tourists. People are there to have a good time and that is exactly what you end up having.

The meat takes some time to prepare, at least 30 min, however it can take up to 90 minutes. Nevertheless, it seems to not bother anyone. Once the meat is ready it it apparent how worth the while the wait is. Tending towards the spicy side, people should make sure they have something to drink.

M&M Travel Solutions at Mzoli's
M&M Travel Solutions at Mzoli's
Mzoli's was officially founded in 2003 by a local man called Mzoli Ngcawuzele. This was possible firstly due to his ambitions and secondly the start-up fund he received from the development bank of South Africa. By 2006 Mzoli's became one of the hottest places to be and enjoyed by every race and income group. It is lovely to see how many successful black men and women return to Mzoli's on a Sunday afternoon (in their smart cars), to enjoy the traditional ways of life and give back to the community in various ways.

We at M&M Travel Solutions had an awesome time on Sunday, made lots of new friends and ate delicious meet. It was the perfect ending to an exciting weekend.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

M&M Solutions' work on Kabel 1

Craig Marshall on Kabel 1

On the 17th of September 2012, M&M Travel Solutions lived an extremely proud moment in the company's history. Craig Marshall, the managing director of M&M Travel Solutions (DMC), was featured in the South African episode of the German TV show- Foodhunter. This episode was aired at 17:50 local time on German TV channel- Kabel 1.

Craig Marshall, MD of M&M Travel Solutions, assisting Matthias Ruta
Craig Marshall, MD of M&M Travel Solutions, assisting Matthias Ruta
In the show Craig aids Top German chef, Matthias Ruta, with exploring and experiencing native South African foods. Matthias' idea is to create unique dishes that are made with South African ingredients. However, the twist is that the food is not merely bought in a Supermarket but rather "hunted" for in the nature. The show is primarily targeted at the adventurous men of Germany. 

Craig Marshall, MD of M&M Travel Solutions, enjoying champagne with Matthias Ruta
Craig Marshall, MD of M&M Travel Solutions, enjoying champagne with Matthias Ruta

To bring his manly concept to life, Matthias assigns Craig Marshall as his locations scout. Craig's vast experience and knowledge about SA allows him to create a suitable trip as well as explain various foods of the visited areas. The program begins at Bartholomeus Klip Farmhouse in Hermon, then moves on to Hog Hollow Country Lodge in Plettenberg Bay and finally HillsNek Safaris in the Amakhala Game Reserve.

Add caption

Have a quick watch of the episode: 

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Help Save SA Rhino with Chipembere Rhino Foundation

Everyday should be World Rhino Day

Help The Chipembere Foundation Save The SA Rhino

Last Saturday, the 22nd of September, the world celebrated 'World Rhino Day'. Many Facebook posts and Twitter tweets were dedicated to this special day with people trying to raise awareness of the problems that we are faced with... the extinction of our Rhino. 

As much as we all appreciate the day dedicated to our majestic mammal, we at M&M Solutions are passionate about reminding and encouraging individuals to spread awareness of this issue daily. Many people of our older generations may not be as concerned about this issue as the younger people of our society. The realization that future generations may never have the opportunity to see a rhino in a game park has not hit everyone yet. In fact, by not reacting to these murderous acts, we are not fighting for the future of our children and grandchildren. 
M&M Solutions is a dedicated fan of what the Chipembere Foundation does. Chipembere Foundation is a non-profit, privately run foundation which was established almost instantaneously after the tragic loss of two rhinos in the Amakhala Game Reserve in the year 2010. The foundation is committed to assisting in the protection and conservation of the Rhino in Southern Africa. With the realisation that more than 220 rhinos have been poached since the beginning of this year, the foundation is desperately trying to reduce this rate. However, the organisation needs help! Any help, big or small, will make a significant change in the efforts of protecting South Africa's Rhinos. 

We ask you to please help this foundation to help the rhinos of today so that our future generation may have the same opportunities of seeing and learning about the rhino as we have had. 

What will our children see when they go on Game Drives???

If you are considering helping in some form, below you will find our current wish list. We appreciate your considerations.

Vehicle Toyota Hilux 2.5LiterSingle Cab 4X4 - SRX
Vehicle Service every 5000km R5000.00
Fuel per month R7500.00
Head of Security Salary per month R7000.00
Bullet proof vest R4000.00
Uniform Shirt R225.00
Uniform Pant R195.00
Uniform Shorts R155.00
Uniform Jacket R349.00
Uniform Boots R469.00
Handheld radio R2200.00
Night Vision Binoculars R17000.00
Binoculars R2000.00
Flir Thermal Imagery vehicle Pathfinder camera R36 000.00
Flir Handheld Thermal Imaging camera R68 000.00
Cell phone airtime per month R500.00
Head Torch R360.00
Handheld Torch R450.00
Spotlight R1500.00
Telonics Telemetry Receiver R7000.00
Telonics Telemetry Aerial R1200.00
Telonics Horn Implant device R2750.00

 Thank you for helping us!!!

Email :           

Telephone : +27 (0)42 294 1685
Fax : +27 (0)42 294 1687
Mobile : +27 (0)82 77 99 575
Physical address : HillsNek Safaris, Amakhala Game Reserve, Grahamstown Eastern Cape
South Africa
Postal address : PO Box 25, St. Francis Bay,  6312
South Africa

Tuesday 18 September 2012

M&M Solutions starts Blogging

M&M Solutions starts Blogging

Dear Blog Followers

We at M&M Solutions have decided that we will start sharing our newsflashes with anyone who is interested. Email marketing has worked well, but we know that many want to be able to read our articles and news updates on the web at their own convenience.

Therefore, be prepared to see some interesting things posted on our new blog site.

Wishing all of you a fab start to the week ahead.

Warm regards,

The M&M Solution Team
(Cape Town, South Africa)